Why Hire from GoodTemps?
GoodTemps recruits top performers to create job success stories for your business.
GoodTemps operates on a competitive agency markup, allowing us to guarantee you the best employees at the best value.
GoodTemps evaluates candidates for the qualities that are vital to your individual business needs. We offer the richest pool of talent anywhere, available to you on demand.
Avoid the lengthy and expensive recruiting process and get a prequalified worker immediately. Your internal key performers can focus more closely on the real needs of your business when they’re properly supported.
Maybe the most generous policy in the industry – after a temp has worked for you for 500 hours, you may hire them with no fee.
The GoodTemps advantage.
Discover a rapid action staffing solution with an easy and cost-effective process that connects you with reliable, qualified talent. Adjust staffing levels as you need and grow your business with worry-free hiring and a flat bill rate.